Sunday, September 25, 2005
Kiss goodbye to my good ol' loyal shoes that's been loyal to me for the past one year and a few months. I've never had a pair of school shoes for such a long time, normal school shoes that cost me $19.90 each always last me only for three months before it's so torn that it's unwearable. but now... i've to throw my favourite shoe away cos it has so many holes on the sole that whenever it rains, my feet will be soaked even though i wear socks =/ It has so much sentimental value I decided to take a photo to remember it forever.

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byebye shoe :'(
{♥ } Zoe
10:16 PM

Wednesday, September 21, 2005
My aim for this week and the week after: To eat ONLY lettuce for recess. That means no dressing, nothing at all, just plain lettuce. And hopefully no dinner and small lunch. That's all!
So today was my first recess with lettuce. Actually I think it's quite sick especially when I burped. It's so gross. haha but I've to sacrifice for my diet! I'm aiming to lose at least 3kg like before holiday starts. Heh heh.
And for now, it'll be more studying. Goodbye!
{♥ } Zoe
7:02 PM

Monday, September 19, 2005
Saturday: Spent my night over at Renee's place celebrating Mid-Autumn festival together! And weiling didn't come cos she couldn't stop studying to spend time with us >:(

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let's start with the table
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and our one and only lantern.
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I see a candle!
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first attempt to our flame thrower
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second attempt - successful!
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and the third
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the heat was melting her contacts.
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we watched our pathetic lantern being burnt to ashes.
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goodbye, lantern. The end.
{♥ } Zoe
9:43 PM

Thursday, September 15, 2005
I haven't been able to concentrate on studying on my exams cos I'm so excited about something :D Heh heh heh. And I won't be blogging anytime soon cos there's like nothing interesting happening right now cos everybody's busy studying, and I'm trying hard too! Bye fellow readers!
{♥ } Zoe
10:44 PM

Sunday, September 11, 2005
I got sick of my old blogskin, so kiss goodbye to it. And say hello to my new one! Heh heh I know the picture's a little too big but oh well I've been resizing it since last night and I decided to give up and just leave it as it is.

So far today's been a good day. I went to church without Renee this week, cos she's not back from Aussie yet. Message was good and it's so true about people reading the bible but not practicing it because you'll forget after an hour. Everybody's given something equal - the amount of time given. And it's just how you spend your time with God. I feel so sinful I haven't done QT since like forever. I better start tonight :D hohoho. Sat at the fellowship hall with Jasmine for I think at least an hour, doing nothing much. Waited for Julia to finish meeting and put the PA stuff back so we could go for lunch. I missed out so much in church, come to think of it, I've been going that church since I was P6 and today, while sitting at the fellowship hall, some people asked me whether I was new -.- Hahaha. Oh well. I've been disappearing more regularly then appearing anyway
{♥ } Zoe
3:25 PM

Saturday, September 10, 2005
Today was very well spent, met Philicia at gardens and we studied at macs for four hours. And I was hungry so we had early dinner at chomp chomp and we ate soo much, stingray, hokkien mee and fried kway teow with watermelon juice and ice kachang. Shiok! Haha. And there was this group of aunties sitting at the table next to us and they were being so annoying. Laying down this big piece of paper on the bench to sit on it. I mean if they really think it's so unhygenic then go eat at fucking restaurants, clean enough for them. And the worst thing was, they left the papers there after eating. The cleaner had to clean up for them. Fucking self-centred assholes. @!#$%^& Ahwell. So anyway after our super huge meal, we ended walking around gardens neighbourhood to digest our very big meal cos there was nothing else to do there. Haha.
I love you ahma dearest :] See you soon I hope, after your exams and my exams and we can go watch rugby match together yes! :D

School's starting in a day! Am I happy or what! Heh heh :D I can't wait for exams to start, so that I can wait for exams to finish and then it'll be party time. So fast so fast :D Byebye
{♥ } Zoe
9:07 PM

Friday, September 09, 2005
When there's school, people look forward to holidays, when it's holidays, people look forward for school to start again. Well, at least for me. ( and hannah) Everybody's not in Singapore and I've been at home for the past four days at least, except for going for boring trainings. Weekends will be spent, sitting in front of my computer again I guess. But Sunday, I'm meeting Charis :] After such a long time, lucky she didn't go to China too. Michelle just left for Phuket, Renee's returning on Tuesday, those who went to China are coming back on Saturday night. I'm such a Singapore person, cos I'm so fucking broke I cannot go anywhere else.
{♥ } Zoe
10:23 PM

Wednesday, September 07, 2005
The world's still revolving, changes are still taking place. I guess I've to move on somehow, somewhere, another way or so.
"friends forever" is total bullshit. It's more like " friends forever,till I find someone better than you" Hahaha. This is just so random.

This whole holiday is such a waste, I can't believe I spent my whole day yesterday just sitting in front of this computer, doing nothing. And I didn't get much time to spend with people I hardly see. oh well. I'll be going for training later, so I hope I'll lose some weight :D heh heh
{♥ } Zoe
11:42 AM

Tuesday, September 06, 2005
We re-lived the past.

{♥ } Zoe
12:29 PM

Sunday, September 04, 2005
What's wrong with the world man seriously. Like why do people have to rush here and there, neglecting people around them, being so self-centred just to get them where they want. I was waiting to board the train today, and some people just selfishly rush in without waiting for the passengers to alight. The worst thing was, this fucking irritating woman pushed this other old lady who was trying to get off the bloody train and she almost fell. But all that irritating woman did was turn back, and then continue rushing back in. Fucker please. And then on my way back, at cityhall mrt, I was in the same cabin as this caucasian, pushing a pram with ( I think) her granddaughter. And some fucked up assholes just kept rushing in knowing that there's no fucking space for people like them. And then they couldn't reach a pole so they HELD ON TO THE PRAM. And then they were holding so tightly, I think the handle was close to breaking. but anyway i don't even think they give a fuck cos they're such a selfish bunch of people. So at cityhall, I changed train, and I happened to board the same cabin as the same caucasian with the pram again. And the train door was closing when these two fucking chinese women rushed in, pushing the pram outta their way. And I was there, so I got pushed in too. Omg, it reflects so fucking badly about Singaporeans, and how foreigners will think of us. Living up to the name so much, being so fucking kiasu. Not like tmr they're gonna die or whatever right. That's only for the train.
What's more. I was waiting for the bus at the bus interchange, but not in the queue. And when the bus came, usually those people who don't queue up wait at the side for those people in the queue to go up the bus first before going up. But this old woman, was being so fucking kiasu, she came later than me, but she walked right in front of all the people who were not in the queue but lining up, and boarded the bus when those people who were in the queue line haven't finished boarding yet. And guess what happened to her, she tripped on the bus. Should I laugh or should I gasp? I chose to laugh. Well, she deserved it even though she's an old lady. Hahaha so I laughed.
{♥ } Zoe
7:55 PM

Friday, September 02, 2005
Random joke:
Letter to Santa
One day, a little boy wrote to Santa Clause, "Please send me a sister." Santa Clause wrote him back, "Ok, send me your mother."
{♥ } Zoe
10:16 PM

D&T exam today, and majority of the questions coming out came from the last three chapters I didn't study, sucks. I really hope I'll pass! And then it was maths lesson after the paper.
Michelle and I went over to Lesley's house after school to give her a surprise, she haven't been in school for such a long time alr. yeah, so we went, and when she opened the door, there were like three dogs. And i'm scared of dogs so I had to run everywhere away from them. The worst thing was, Lesley went to get ANOTHER puppy from her grandma's house, so there were 4 dogs at home altogther. So we like ate alot, and drank alot. I haven't had so much fun in such a long time, I've always been studying and there's like only fun here and there, but not crazily fun. All getting so high hahahaha :) And then we were crazing in her room, I lost my belt. It's my uniform belt btw, and it's my favourite too. And it's still missing now, had to wear lesley's one out. But oh well, all the fun's worth a lost belt. Haha.
Then we left, headed to Bishan coffeebean where I met jen :) And then Michelle and Lesley decided that cartel was more comfortable so they went there in the end. So I studied with Jen, and I fell asleep. Then the coffeebean manager like said cannot sleep or something. Sucks. And I didn't do anything cos I was far too tired. So I came home like really early today.
{♥ } Zoe
8:03 PM



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